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Fri Jan 05 2018

Rails console does lazy connection to database and this behaviour can be changed with by adding ActiveRecord::Base.connection to console config block.

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Wed Jan 03 2018

"localization" referred as "l10n", and "internationalization" referred as "i18n". cause,
l10n => "l" in between 10chars(o, c, a, l, i, z, a, t, i, o) and then "n" i18n => "i" in between 18chars and then "n" Also Globalization (g11n), Localizability (l12y). I didnt knew, never noticed, and I feel stupid now :P

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Wed Jan 03 2018

[...Array(100).keys()] will return a range from 0 to 100

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Wed Dec 27 2017

in es6 you can now proxy your object's operation like get, set etc. All you need to do it create a proxy on a object like const proxyObj = new Proxy(initialObj, handler) the initial object is the object that you want to create proxy for and handler object is the place where you override object's method like get and set.

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Thu Dec 21 2017

In javascript generally if you reduce an array it starts from 0th element and goes till the end but if you want to run the reduce from right to left of an array i.e. start from last element and go till the first element use arr.reduceRight

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