Aditya Vishwakarma
System Analyst
Understanding the Rails Asset Pipeline
A comprehensive guide to understanding the Rails Asset Pipeline, its features, and its role in modern web development.
Hey there! Welcome to our blog, where our team shares all things tech from cool solutions to everyday challenges to innovative ideas we're excited about. We're here to share our journey, inspire yours, and have some fun along the way!
Aditya Vishwakarma
System Analyst
A comprehensive guide to understanding the Rails Asset Pipeline, its features, and its role in modern web development.
Sachin Kabadi
System Analyst
This guide walks you through setting up Keycloak locally using Docker, creating a realm, user, client and integrating Keycloak with a Rails application using the omniauth-keycloak gem for single sign-on (SSO).
Sujay Prabhu
Senior System Analyst
Adithya Hebbar
System Analyst
Adithya Hebbar
System Analyst
System Analyst
This blog explains how to organize ActiveRecord models into a tree structure using the Ancestry gem in Rails to manage parent-child hierarchical structures. It covers the setup, features, and querying methods that make managing hierarchical data both simple and efficient.
Satya Swaroop Mohapatra
Senior System Analyst
A detailed guide to Hotwire in Rails exploring turbo-drive, turbo-frames and turbo-streams. Learn how to build blazing-fast applications with real-time updates without full page reloads.
Sujay Prabhu
Senior System Analyst
Discover the evolution from Rails Classic autoloader to the dynamic Zeitwerk.
Sachin Kabadi
System Analyst
Guide to Setting Up AWS S3 Bucket for Rails Active Storage File Uploads
System Analyst
A comprehensive guide for understanding the basic concepts of px, em, and rem units. Also learn about Tailwind config and how to use Figma's developer mode to close the gap between designers and developers.
Rishav Raj
System Analyst
Automate OTP verification using the gmail-tester library in combination with Cypress and Playwright E2E tests
Menuba Tenny
Learn to run rails test on Gitlab CI pipeline
Manu Raj
Approaches for clean rails translation files as application grows
Akshay Sasidharan
Make better authorization for your application.
Supporting API conventions for client like reactjs can be quite tricky. This post talks about approach to make APIs accessible using snakecase or camelCase.
Deploying a Rails app with Webpack asset management on Heroku can be tricky. However, Heroku provides lifecycle hooks on its NodeJs buildpack that will help make this easier.
Rails 5 has a new feature added to ActiveRecord that makes working with batch data much more efficient. The `Model.in_batches` function passes a batch of records wrapped inside an ActiveRecord collection.
Traditionally, Rails 3.x and above come with Sprockets and asset management functions. However, using a JavaScript or CSS library with Sprockets means we'd have to roll them into gems with a specific directory heirarchy. Instead, we can leverage Bower to handle that for us.
Interacting with complex web forms tends to become hairy pretty quickly. Using Form or Service objects to abstract out the complexity can help wrangle complexity. This post talks about how we use them to make code simpler.
In this post, I will talk about how Rails 3.x reloads code in the development environment.
This post talks about using the Backbone library with a Rails backend, and goes through some challenges and gotchas encountered during the process.
A nearly step-by-step guide to upgrade to Mountain Lion, and setting up a Ruby development environment
The problem with kitchen sink libraries is feature creep. Sometimes all we need are small libraries that are easily readable.