Wed Dec 27 2017
in es6 you can now proxy your object's operation like get, set etc. All you need to do it create a proxy on a object like
const proxyObj = new Proxy(initialObj, handler)
the initial object is the object that you want to create proxy for and handler object is the place where you override object's method like get and set.mrinmoy
Thu Dec 21 2017
about ActiveSupport::Notifications there is a railscasts on it http://railscasts.com/episodes/249-notifications-in-rails-3
Thu Dec 21 2017
In javascript generally if you reduce an array it starts from 0th element and goes till the end but if you want to run the reduce from right to left of an array i.e. start from last element and go till the first element use
Tue Dec 19 2017
In order to know hierarchy of translations, print defaults here https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/v5.1.4/activemodel/lib/active_model/errors.rb#L405 and see the magic!
Wed Dec 13 2017
in rails, which allows you to have flash messages which does not persists across subsequent action unlike regular flash
i.e it sets a flash message which is available only to the current action and not for next. http://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.1/classes/ActionDispatch/Flash/FlashHash.html#method-i-nowmrinmoy
Mon Dec 11 2017
Thu Nov 30 2017
[RealWorld](https://github.com/gothinkster/realworld) is a project that curates a list of implementations of frontends and backends in different frameworks for the same application spec . This is a great way to understand how to build non-trivial features when getting started with a new framework.
Thu Nov 30 2017
ActiveRecord Query method - none. It returns a chainable relation with zero records.
Post.none => #
Tue Nov 28 2017
active record inspect method is invoked to log the active record collection object to the rails console which by default limits the query by 11 but does not actually limit the query being executed.
Thu Nov 23 2017
Firefox exposes
url where one can see history of crash reports. Clicking on each crash report takes to mozilla website where one can see crash detailsShowing 65 to 67 of 73 results