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Mon Jun 10 2024

Restarting a DaemonSet in Kubernetes #devops #kubernetes

To find a DaemonSet in a specific namespace:

kubectl get ds -n 

To restart the DaemonSet:

kubectl rollout restart ds  -n 

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Mon Jun 03 2024

Log shipping is a process used in database management to automate the backup and restoration of transaction logs (history of every action) from a primary database server to a secondary standby server. The main purpose of log shipping is to provide a disaster recovery solution, ensuring data availability and integrity in case of a primary server failure
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Sat Jun 01 2024

Recently I came across an interesting use case of combining CSS variables with environment variables. The challenge was to change a CSS property, particularly a color, based on an environment variable. Since CSS doesn't support environment variables directly, here's the approach I took:

The global css file:

:root {
  /* ----- fallback value ----- */
  --primary-color: #3498db;

h1 {
  color: var(--primary-color);

Then, in our React application:

const App = () => {
  const primaryColor = process.env.NAME === 'a' ? '#fff' : '#000';

  return (
    <div style={{ '--primary-color': primaryColor }}>
      <h1>Hello, World!</h1>

#css #cssvariables #react
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Fri May 31 2024

Using choice Input in GitHub Actions

Choice input in Github actions can be used to provide a predefined list of options for workflow dispatch events. This makes it easier for users to select from a set of valid options when triggering workflows manually.


name: Example Workflow

        description: 'Select the environment'
        required: true
        default: 'sandbox'
        type: choice
          - sandbox
          - uat
          - production

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Display Inputs
        run: |
          echo "Environment: ${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}"

#githubactions #devops #automation #dropdown
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Wed May 29 2024

To generate an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) using Prisma-erd-generator, follow these steps :
Install the following package

npm i -D prisma-erd-generator @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli
# or
yarn add -D prisma-erd-generator @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli

Add this to your schema.prisma

generator erd {
  provider = "prisma-erd-generator"

Run the generator

npx prisma generate

#javascript #erd
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Mon May 27 2024

To use Client Components, states, useState, useEffect, onClick, and other client-side features, add "use client" at the top of your file. This ensures the component runs on the client side.

#javascript #nextjs
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Mon May 27 2024

Key difference between App router and Page router :

App Router:
File-based routing: Uses nested folders to define routes.
Components: Server Components by default.
Data fetching: Uses fetch function.
Layouts: Can be nested and dynamic.
Dynamic routes: Supported, but syntax differs.
Client-side navigation: Supported with router.push.
Priority: Takes precedence over Page Router.
Page Router:
File-based routing: Files directly represent routes.
Components: Client Components by default.
Data fetching: Uses getServerSideProps, getStaticProps, getInitialProps.
Layouts: Static.
Dynamic routes: Supported.
Client-side navigation: Supported with Link component.
Priority: Fallback if no matching route in App Router.
#javascript #nextjs
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Fri May 24 2024

How to schedule tasks using cron expressions in GitHub Actions:
By defining a cron schedule in the workflow YAML file, we can automate the execution of tasks at specific intervals.
For instance, setting */5 * * * * in the cron expression triggers the workflow every 5 minutes.
Monitoring workflow runs in the "Actions" tab of the GitHub repository allows to verify that the scheduled tasks are executing as intended.
#cronjobs #workflowautomation
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Fri May 24 2024

When terraform state file is locked and you are unable to acquire a state lock, you can use terraform force-unlock <LOCK_ID> to forcefully remove the lock.
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Thu May 23 2024

Use git reset --mixed HEAD~1 command to undo your last commit without losing the changes made in your last commit.

#git #gitReset #github

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