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Tue May 07 2024

Typescript Learning

Variable definition: In Typescript we can specify the type string, number and boolean like

    let myName: string = "Vijay";
    let age: number = 20;
    let isActive: boolean = false;
Moreover, if we don't specify the type typescript automatically detects the type by itself. But end of the defining the type was a good convention.

Function Definition: • For defining a function we can specify the function parameters type. Along with that we can able to set the default value. And also the return value.

    function sum(a: number, b: number = 2): number {
        return a + b;

• For Arrow function:

let sum = (a: number, b: number = 2): number => a + b;

Why don't use any : • Using any in TypeScript bypasses type checking but undermines TypeScript's static typing advantages. It's better to specify types explicitly for safer and more maintainable code. Array: With the help of the array, we can store number, string and boolean values separately and mixed.

For String
 let users: string[] = ["a", "b", "c", "d]

For Number
 let count: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4]

For boolean
let isActive: boolean[] = [true, false]

For Mixed array
 let allDate: (string | number)[] = ["a", "b", "c", 1]
 Here Array contains only integers and strings

Void And Never:void is a type that represents the absence of returning value. It's often used as the return type of function that doesn't return any value.

function logError(msg: string): void {

never represents the type of values that never occur:. It's typically used as the return type of functions that never return (i.e., always throw an error).

function throwError(message: string): never {
    throw new Error(message);

Object Type:Object Types is used to pass the object as a parameter in the functions.

function fetchData(pt: { x: number; y: number }) {
  return pt;
fetchData({ x: 3, y: 7 });

• If we want mentioned as an optional prop we can do that with the help of ? operator

function fetchData(pt: { x: number; y?: number }) {
  return pt;
fetchData({ x: 3 });

Union Types: • It means type can be formed in two or more types, which means values can be anything from the union value.

  function sum(a: string | number) {
        return a;
Here you can see value can be anything string or number

Type Aliases • When can use both object type and union type but if we want use more than once we can use Type Aliases or Interface .

type User = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

function displayUser(prop: User) {

displayUser({name: 'John', age: 22})

• Moreover on the type, we can able to do extend the values.

type User = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

type Role = {
  role: string

type UserDeatils = User & Role & {
  address: string;

• From above you can see that the userDetails inherits the user and role props without adding extra value. So that helps to keep DRY over time. Interface: • Interface is also similar in concept to type_._ it's another way to name an object type.

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;

function displayUser(prop: User) {

displayUser({name: 'John', age: 22})

• It allows the extending feature.

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;

interface Role {
  role: string
interface userDetails extends User, Role {
     address: string;

• The Only difference is type not available for re-opening for adding new properties. Readonly and Optional: • with the help of that, we can mark the value as read-only or optional.

type User = {
  readonly id: string;
  name: string;
  phone: number;
  isActive: boolean;
  email?: string;

• If we try to access id typescript will throw an exception. Also, email is not present on obj it does not make exceptions. Tuples: • Tuples are a data structure that allows you to store a fixed-size, ordered collection of elements. • Each element in a tuple may have a different data type. They are similar to arrays, but their size and types are fixed once they are defined.

let myTuple: [string, number, boolean];
myTuple = ['hello', 10, true];

• In typles we can modify elements of the tuple using array method with different types. It doesn't show any warning we always need to be aware of it. Enums: • Enums in TypeScript are usually used to represent a determined number of options for a given value. • TypeScript provides both numeric and string-based enumsNumeric enums: ▪︎ By default enum value starts from 0 until we explicitly mention something:

const enum UserType {

• We can explicitly change the enum value

const enum UserType {
  ADMIN = 10,

• so from now value goes like 11, 12 in upstream • String enums: ◦ String enums are similar to numbers, But here we can specify string instead of numeric

const enum UserType {
  ADMIN = "admin",
  USER = "user",
  GUEST = "guest",

Heterogeneous enums: ◦ We can mix up string and numeric on enum. But After string, if numeric get started we need to mention the numeric value for the first one.

const enum UserType {
  ADMIN = "admin",
  USER = 0,

• Remaining value can typescript will handles. #typescript #javascript